SEE LIVE UPDATES Covid-19 outbreak update
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Confirmed Cases and Deaths by Country, Territory, or Conveyance
Countries reporting cases | Total Cases | Total Deaths | Total Recovered | Confirmed cases in the last 24 Hours |
USA | 164,744 | 3,163 | 5,507 | +956 |
Italy | 101,739 | 11,591 | 14,620 | |
Spain | 94,414 | 8,189 | 19,259 | +6,461 |
China | 81,518 | 3,305 | 76,052 | +79 |
Germany | 68,180 | 682 | 15,824 | +1,295 |
Iran | 44,605 | 2,898 | 14,656 | +876 |
UK | 22,141 | 3,024 | 7,927 | |
Switzerland | 94,417 | 1,808 | 135 | +264 |
Belgium | 12,775 | 395 | 1,823 | +845 |
Turkey | 10,827 | 1,039 | 1,696 | +845 |